GPS Tracking Service
GPS Tracking is an extremely resourceful, informative and safe tool used in many areas of Private Investigations. Allowing C & C Investigations to assist you ensures your GPS Tracking is conducted legally and reporting the information you are seeking. GPS Tracking technology has surpassed the days of just knowing where a vehicle has been parked for a while. GPS Devices and Software use complex algorithms to calculate a vehicle's speed, multiple stops, lengths of stay and exact, to the minute location, often within a few feet.
If you are considering the use of a GPS Tracking Service for your child, spouse, elderly parent/grandparent or even a company vehicle, call C & C Investigations to determine the best tracking solution for your needs. Keep in mind, not all tracking is conducted with a device attached to a vehicle. A multitude of tracking services, devices and software are available. Let the licensed professionals at C & C Investigations ensure you are using the right tracking service, efficiently and legally.
Call us today with your concerns.